Are you rich?

Posted by on Jan 11, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

Are you settling for the crumbs of life instead of feasting at the banquet table? Life is more than just existing…it is about living to the fullest. It’s not about the material aspects in life; it’s something much more meaningful and deep. It does not lie in a bank account, a multitude of possessions, or surrounding yourself with a bunch of fake people in your life. It’s not about a job title. It’s not about having a beautiful face. It’s not about the surface level.

Why do you think that the richest people are often the unhappiest and the poorest people are often filled with joy? The best things in life are free.

It’s where a healthy spirit breeds integrity and sound character, which leads to honor in one’s life, actions, and relationships. That’s a rich, wealthy life.

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