
What I Offer

    1. Happy Stage (1 session)
      • Life is good, but not great. Not sure about life coaching, but willing to test it out.
    2. Explore Stage (2 to 5 sessions)
      • You are in the middle. Not sure about coaching, but want to discover new possibilities.
    3. Trust Stage (6 to 10 sessions)
      • You are all in. You desire change and believe you are ready!

    Package Options

Free Assessment

Want to see for yourself what it would be like to have a coach? Take a free, no-obligation coaching test drive! I offer a 30-minute assessment for those interested in finding a coach, to give you a better picture of what coaching can do. We’ll spend a few minutes getting to know each other and finish up by answering questions and explaining the nuts and bolts of how to hire a coach.

Here’s what it looks like

You’ll meet two to three times a month with your You Matter Life Coach. You’ll choose what you want to work on, the action steps you want to take, and set your own pace. Your Life Coach will help you focus your ideas into goals and action steps, offer a listening ear, give you challenging questions that make you think, and provide the support and accountability you need to follow through.

Each session begins with a progress report on your goals and action steps. Then you’ll discuss next steps, generate options, troubleshoot obstacles, and develop a set of action steps you want to take before the next appointment. You are always in charge of what you want to work on!

I offer Spot calls, which are quick 5-minute calls you can make anytime to share a win, ask for perspective or troubleshoot an obstacle.

Efficacy of Phone Coaching

Many clients elect to continue one-on-one coaching for ongoing goal-setting, support, and accountability to ensure that their transformational results continue.

Most coaching — whether it’s wellness coaching, business coaching, or life coaching — is done by telephone, usually in weekly or  bi-weekly sessions. I realize that to someone who is considering working with a coach for the first time, this may seem odd — after  all, is there any substitute for the connections that occur in face-to-face contact?

In fact, both formal studies as well as anecdotal reports from coaching clients (“coachees”) tell a different story. Overwhelmingly, telephone coaching has been shown to be as effective or even more effective than in-person coaching.

How I Coach

Face-to-Face, Skype, Telephone, Face-time, Webinar, Video Teleconference, and Chat.

Program Questions: Flag It, Feel It, Nod it, Do It Questions

  1. Flag It – Is there an area in your life you wish you can improve or change?
  2. Feel It – Are you where you want to be in life?
  3. Nod It – Do you have any barriers, burdens, uncertainties, or regrets in your life?
  4. Do It – Contact me if you want to start thriving in your life instead of just surviving?

My big promise is that I will help you accomplish your goal…if you put forth the effort.


You Matter Life Coach, LLC Training, Speaking, Coaching Packages