
Day 68 / 100 Days to More ~

Posted by on Mar 9, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

Most of us view quitting as something negative, but it’s not. ‘Winners never quit,’ we’re told, when, in reality, winners quit all the time: choosing to stop doing things that aren’t creating the results they desire. When you quit all the things that aren’t working for you, when you quit tolerating all the negative things that hold you back, you’ll create a positive ‘charge’ in your life as well as create the space in your life for more positive experiences. Life gets better when you choose to make it so.

What you see is the whole thing and what others see is the tip…a very small part of the whole. It’s like an iceberg in the ocean. Above the water people can see the tip, but what lies below is much larger, much more powerful, and usually destructive. In doing what we ought to do, we deserve no praise. — When you look into the mirror at the end of the day, be able to really know in your heart that you did good today. The differences we make will leave this earth in better shape than how we entered it. What’s on your bucket list?

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” Mark Twain

Action: What are you waiting for?

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Day 67 / 100 Days to More ~

Posted by on Mar 8, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

You don’t need everyone to like you. You are a piece of art. Not everyone is going to see your beauty. Ultimately, it’s YOUR opinion of yourself that matters, and if someone doesn’t like it, forget about them. Stop being a people-pleaser all the time, because when you go around pleasing everyone but yourself, you are the one that gets hurt.  Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. It’s their loss, not yours. So be careful not to give so much of yourself to others that you end up completely losing yourself. In the end you will know who truly loves you; they’re the ones who respect you for who you are, and no matter what, they stand by your side. Surround yourself with these people.

Negative people make lots of noise about how bad things are, while positive people quietly and steadily improve things.  There are always problems, there are always challenges, and there are always people willing to transform those problems and challenges into great opportunities. Those who have the courage, commitment and discipline to do so, create a better life for everyone. Be one of these people. Focus on solutions and work your way eagerly toward a brighter future.

Action: Don’t be afraid to be a bright light in the world. Your purpose is clear…to be the best version you can be. You are different. You want to do good things. You want to be kind…always. You want to know you made a positive difference in the world when you depart. You want to be a light in this already dark world. You don’t want hate, but you do want the courage to stand & speak when needed!

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Day 66 / 100 Days to More ~

Posted by on Mar 7, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

The person who keeps busy helping the person below them won’t have time to envy the person above him. Go after your dreams, but don’t let greed and money ruin you, your heart, or your character! Unsuccessful people think about what they don’t want most of the time. They talk about problems, listen to news & gossip, & spend their time blaming circumstances, situations & others. Successful people think about what they want & how they will get it. They are intensely focused on their goals & the information needed to help obtain them. Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power – Abraham Lincoln

In the game of life, there are no time-outs. Unlike children, we don’t get do-overs, we don’t get to call a “mulligan,” and claim that something we did doesn’t count. The fact is, as adults, ALL of our actions matter – everything we do counts! That’s especially true when it comes to living according to our beliefs and values. Integrity is not a 90% thing…not a 95% thing…Either you have it, or you don’t.

“People will write your story if you let them. Write your own story.” Chef ChicoB”

Action: “You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.” Oliver Goldsmith

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Day 65 / 100 Days to More ~

Posted by on Mar 6, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

Stop beating yourself up. We all make mistakes. Stop blaming yourself for how things turned out. You may have failed, but you are not a failure. Where you are right now does not define you. Judge not according to appearances. Keep on fighting regardless of the circumstances. Hang in there despite how things appear. Keep the faith. Life is on your side. Never, never, ever give up. You were born to win! You have something special and GREATNESS within you. My desire for you…enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, and enough hope to bring you joy.

Throughout your lifetime some people will discredit you, disrespect you and treat you poorly for no apparent reason at all. Don’t consume yourself with trying to change them or win their approval. And don’t make any space in your heart to hate them. Simply walk away and let karma deal with the things they do, because any bit of time you spend on them will be wasted, and any bit of hate and aggravation in your heart will only hurt you.

“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty, truth, and compassion against injustice.” William Faulkner

Action: If you never ask, the answer will be no.  If you never speak up, you’ll have regrets.

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Day 63 / 100 Days to More ~

Posted by on Mar 4, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

We all know that words have the potential to hurt us not physically, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Words have the ability to lighten our mood, make us smile or burst into tears, or even cause resentment and bitterness to seep into our hearts. Words can poison, words can heal. Words start and fight wars, but words make peace. Words lead men to the pinnacles of good and words can plunge men to the depths of evil. Words are a big deal. They are containers for power, and we have to decide what kind of power we want our words to carry.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me,” could not be further from the truth. Each one of us has at one time or the other been on the receiving end of hurtful words. Make no mistake about it – painful words not only hurt, they change us forever. While broken bones can heal in time, words filled with rage, bullying, belittling and scoffing never heal. Hurtful words are life altering and damage the human spirit. Don’t let anyone’s negativity stop you from being happy.

You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him. Don’t gossip about others or share other’s business. Don’t lower your standards to fit in, but strive to be the person people look up to and can only say something nice about you.  What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say. So speak to me with your actions, not your words. Speak to me with your doings, not your mouth. Speak to me with your hands, not your voice. For your actions drown out what you say to the point that that’s all I hear. To live by what you believe, and to become someone you like, it’s easier when you can borrow from others. Whether you realize it or not, your personality and actions are shaped in part by your surroundings. So if someone is going to “rub off on you”, make sure it’s someone you like, respect and can learn from.

Action: If what you said was written on your skin, would you be attractive to others?

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Day 62 / 100 Days to More ~

Posted by on Mar 3, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Life doesn’t wait for you. It leaves you behind. Don’t be that person looking back wondering if you would of.. could of.. should of. Don’t wait to do anything because tomorrow might not come. Accomplishing your goals. Say, “I love you” to someone for the first time, losing weight, discovering a cure, paying off a credit card, traveling to a new country, trying a new dish, going back to school, having a baby, writing a book, looking into the mirror and smiling not frowning, helping a complete stranger, getting to know Jesus, learning how to swim or ride a bike, quitting a job you hate and following your dream job (even if you could become poor), taking a chance, following your gut, buying your first house or car, or crossing off items on your bucket list. Don’t be forgotten. Be Remembered. Time is Running Out.

Your life, personality, habits, even speech are a combination of the books you choose to read, the people you choose to listen to, and the thoughts you choose to tolerate in your mind.

“If, before going to bed every night, you will tear a page from the calendar, and remark, ‘there goes another day of my life, never to return,’ you will become time conscious.” A. B. Zu Tavern

Action: When you take your last breath, will you be content with what you did with your limited time on earth?

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